Treaty of Titaliya – 10 February 1817 - Greater Nepal
Treaty of Titaliya – 10 February 1817

Treaty of Titaliya – 10 February 1817

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TREATY OF TITALIYA – 10 February 1817
Treaty, Covenant or Agreement entered into by Captin Barre Latter, Agent on the part of His  Excellency the Right Honorable the Eal of Moira, K.G., Governer-General & C., &C., & C., and by Nazir Chaina Tenjin and Mahca Teinbah and Lama Duchim Longdoo , Deputies on the part of Rajah of Sikkimputtee, being severlly authorized and duly appointed for the above purpose- 1871.

Article 1

The Honorable East India Company cedes, transfer, and make over in full sorverignty to the Sikkimputte Rajha, his heirs or successors, all the hilly or mountainous country situated to the eastward of the Mechi River and to the westward of the Teesta River, formerly possessed and occupied by the Rajah of Nepaul (नेपाल), but the cedes to the Honorable East India Company by the Treaty of peace signed at Segoulee.

Article 2

The Sikkimputte Rajah engages for himself and successors to abstain from any acts of aggression or hostility against the Goorkhas or any other state.

Article 3
That he will refer to the arbitration of the British Government any disputes or questions that may arise between his subjects and those of Nepaul, or any other neighboring State , and to abide by the decision of the British Government.

Article 4
He engages for himself and successors to join the British Toops with the whole of his military Force when employed with in the Hills, and in general to afford the British Troops every aid and facility in his power.

Article 5
That he will not permit any British subject, nor the subject of any European and American State, to reside within his dominions, without the permission of the English Government.

Article 6

That he will immediately seize and deliver up any dacoits or notorious offenders that may take refuge within his territories.

Article 7
That he will not afford protection to any defaulters of revenue or other delinquents when demande by the British Government through their accredited Agents.

Article 8
That he will afford protection to merchants and traders from the company’s Provinces, and he engages that no duties shall be levied on the transit of merchandize beyond the established custom at the several golahs or marts.

Article 9
The Honorable East India Company guarantees to the Sikkimputtee Rajah and his succesors the full and peaceable possession of the tract of hilly country specified in the first Article of the present Agreement.

Article 10
This treaty shall be ratified and exchanged by the Sikkimputte Rajah within one month from the present date, and the counterpart, when confirmed by His Excellency the Right Honorable the Governor – General, shall be transmitted to the Rajah.

Done at Titalya, this 10th day of February 1817 , answering to the 9th of Phagoon 1873 sumbut, and to the 30th of Maugh 1223 Bengallie

Ratified by the Governor- General in Council, at Fort William, this fifteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen.
Acting chief secy. to Govt.

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